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11-3-08 Veterans Affairs Commission Regular Meeting Minutes
  • Call to Order – Chair Bernie Corona called the regular meeting of the Veteran’s Affairs Commission to order at 7:00 pm on November 3, 2008 in Mayor Currey’s Office.  
A. Pledge of Allegiance

B.      Roll Call - PRESENT: Bernie Corona, Dominic Fulco, Sr., Kirk Allison, Arden Passaro, J. Roger Pelletier, Paul Barry, William Miller.

EXCUSED:        Mary-Ann Roczynski, Stan deMello                

  • Approval of Minutes – Bernie asked the Commission to go over the minutes of the last meeting. Dominic Fulco made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Don Passaro.  It was unanimously voted to approve the minutes of the October 6, 2008 meeting.

  • Old Business  
  • Paul wrapped up discussion of the Traveling Wall.  Thanked everyone who helped and was there.  It was a great success.  Very positive event for the Veterans and the Town.  Nothing but favorable comments received.  
  • No office hours held in Town Hall in December due to the construction.  Commission once again discussed doing away with the hours all together; recommended that they should be by appointment.  No decision made at this meeting.  Item tabled for further discussion.

  • New Business  
  • Bernie spoke about a program that gives out blue banners for families with members who are going overseas.  Started discussion of starting the program here in East Hartford.  The approximate cost of the banners is about $8.  Further discussion is needed to 1) see if money can be allocated in the budget to keep it going on an annual basis and 2) how to get the information on the families – who they are – before going forward.  Item tabled for further discussion.
  • Some of the Commission members participated in the recent Veterans Day Parade in Hartford.  Weather was good and it was the most attended parade in recent years.
  • General discussion items: 1) Commission members term will expire next month.  Need to get information from town regarding reappointments. 2) Bernie to hand in next year’s schedule of meetings to the Town.

  • Adjournment – Bill Miller made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Dominic Fulco.  Bernie adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m.